'Posts tagged with medical'

Virtual Cleanroom
The virtual cleanroom gives pharmacy students a chance to apply theoretical knowledge in a more practical, albeit computer-generated, setting. As the costs involved with establishing and maintaining a physical facility...

Nuclear Pharmacy
Created through the Instructional Innovation Proposal, Nuclear Pharmacy is an instructional simulation to augment the way nuclear pharmacists visualize radiation medication compounding, administration and post-administration patient care. Using the Microsoft...

MINT Drug Discovery
One of the 2016 Instructional Innovation Proposal Recipients, the MINT Drug Discovery VR project seeks to provide intuitive exploration and drug modeling through computational chemistry while creating an avenue for...

Central Service Lab
The Central Service Lab provides a central service and sterile processing a simulation system to assist in training of students on IAHCSMM certification. The Envision Center built both a web...

Virtual ABIL
The Virtual Accessible Biomedical Immersion Laboratory (ABIL) is a simulation created for the Institute for Accessible Science with Dr. Brad Duerstock. This simulation was used to explore the use of...